More auto thieves may be looking for a Denver criminal defense attorney soon. The police in Colorado are beginning to make a record number of arrests in auto theft cases thanks to a new statewide coordinated police effort.
Taxpayers in Colorado contribute one dollar from their vehicle registration fee to support the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority. Late last year the authority created a new state of the art auto theft prevention center in Lakewood. That center is coordinating data collection and reforming police tactics in reporting and fighting auto theft throughout the state. In 2005 Colorado had one of the highest rates of auto theft in the nation. These new efforts are attempting to reverse this trend.
For those practicing criminal defense in Colorado there are some important things about this effort that have changed the ways criminals are being charged. Those charged with auto theft are being asked more detailed questions about their associates and activities. It is important to remember that there is inherent danger when talking to the police before you have legal representation. The earlier you hire a criminal defense attorney the easier it is to ensure that your rights are protected. Oftentimes, we see defendants in these cases try to make a deal to become an informant; however, their deal lacks a proper written agreement or legal standing. In these cases a defendant may help the police only to be charged for auto theft eventually anyway.
Auto theft is a very serious felony charge and no matter what stage in the process a person is in they can always request a free consultation with our experienced attorneys.