
Hebets & McCallin

You Refused a Blood or Breath Test: What Now?

If you are pulled over and suspected of a DUI in Colorado, you are legally obligated to submit to a blood or breath test that will evaluate how much alcohol is in your system. If you refuse to submit to either of those options during the time of your arrest, there will be several major consequences. Read on for more details and our advice on the topic.

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Russell Hebets

You Have the Right to Remain Silent: 5 Myths about Miranda Rights

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you….These are the opening phrases of the infamous Miranda warning. If you have not heard these words in real life, you have likely heard them on television. You may even have watched a TV court case fall apart when the clever attorney (the one in the red suit) finds out that her defendant was not “Mirandized.” Well, we hate to break it to you, but in real life court cases, Miranda warnings are a little more complicated. Here are 5 myths about Miranda rights, debunked.

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Russell Hebets

Can Cops Lie to You?

The police have brought you in for interrogation. You are feeling a whole host of emotions: fear, anger, confusion, and you simply want to get out of the station and go home. Investigators want to get the interrogation over as quickly as possible, as well. They want to get the answers they need from you and move on with their caseloads. In order to move things along, however, police officers will use a number of tactics to collect this evidence. One of these tactics, that is completely legal in most circumstances, is lying to you.

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Colin McCallin

Did Police Fail to Protect Gabby Petito?

Millions are following the news about the murder of Gabby Petito, a 22-year old vlogger who was killed while travelling across the country in a van with her boyfriend. There were multiple 911 calls reporting domestic violence involving the couple. Many wonder if the police could have prevented this tragedy.

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Colin McCallin

Gone Cold: Unsolved Crimes and How to Address Them

America's body of unsolved crimes grows every year. Law enforcement experts have developed strategies to help police officers resolve these "cold cases," and their recommendations are in a document published by the National Institute of Justice. Let's look at the highlights!

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Russell Hebets

Why Every Police Department Should Have Body Cameras

For police departments, the benefits of equipping officers with body cameras are well worth the initial expense. These cameras are good not only for members of the public but also for the officers themselves, and they also help us justly resolve criminal cases after the fact.

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