law enforcement

Hebets & McCallin

Fourth Amendment Searches: Do You Have a Warrant?

Citizens of this country have the right to be protected from unreasonable searches by law enforcement. Your Fourth Amendment rights may save you from an unlawful conviction if you are informed and have skilled legal counsel. This is a complex area of law, but we cover the basics for you in this article.

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Russell Hebets

Can Cops Lie to You?

The police have brought you in for interrogation. You are feeling a whole host of emotions: fear, anger, confusion, and you simply want to get out of the station and go home. Investigators want to get the interrogation over as quickly as possible, as well. They want to get the answers they need from you and move on with their caseloads. In order to move things along, however, police officers will use a number of tactics to collect this evidence. One of these tactics, that is completely legal in most circumstances, is lying to you.

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Colin McCallin

Gone Cold: Unsolved Crimes and How to Address Them

America's body of unsolved crimes grows every year. Law enforcement experts have developed strategies to help police officers resolve these "cold cases," and their recommendations are in a document published by the National Institute of Justice. Let's look at the highlights!

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